Composting Day 2019

Welcome to the first international Composting Day in Oslo, the European Green Capital 2019! Learn about the science behind composting as a sustainable solution for Bio-waste treatment in the circular city.


Target audience for the Composting Day are public and private stakeholders, customers and operators from Europe and around the world looking for best-practice solutions to composting as a circular Bio-Waste treatment. This includes planners, operators and suppliers of composting plants for organic waste (garden waste, food waste, sludge etc).

The Composting Day in Oslo is organised together with ISWA and the City of Oslo, and is part of a full week of Bio-Waste events in Oslo, Europe's Green Capital City! All events are in English.

Program: Click on "Program" for full program in English.

- ISWA Beacon conference on Bio-Waste Management, April 8
- Nordic Biogas Conference, April 9-10
- Composting Day, incl site visit, April 9
- Technical excursions to biogas plants, April 11

Check out the full program for the week.

Price / Registration / Early bird + combination offers:



Go to the unique enrollment page for all the Composting Day and all the other Bio-Waste events in Oslo this week.
Discounts for partners to Nordic Biogas Conference (organisers, co-organisers and program partners)


Registration. Hot coffee or hot tea is ready!


PART 1 - Professional training seminar at the hotel


Foredragsholder: Heidi Sørensen Director, Climate Agency, City of Oslo
  • Welcome to Oslo - the Environmental Capital of Europe
  • The importance of the city's circular waste system and commitment to circular economy
  • Synergies between biogas and composting


Why compost became my business´ success factor number 1!

Foredragsholder: Tor Smaaland Managing Director, Små Landskap AS


The science behind an industrial composting plant

Foredragsholder: Matthew Cotton Director, Integrated Waste Management Consulting, LLC


Are you interested in becoming an exhibitor? The Composting Day has shared exhibition area with Nordic Biogas Conference. Contact us for prices and terms for composters.


Foredragsholder: Erik Norgaard CEO, Terramarine AS
  • Agronomy and microbiology
  • Recycling of nutrients
  • Microbiology and process
  • Product quality of end product (including humus fraction)
  • Soil fertility
  • Sprout tests
  • Different products for different purposes
  • Quality control systems


Foredragsholder: Henrik Lystad CEO, Norwaste
  • Norway will be the second country in the world (after UK) to make an official peat phase out plan.
  • Why is this high on the agenda in Norway?
  • How can this goal be achieved? What are the alternatives to peat from myres?


Foredragsholder: Matthew Cotton, Director, Integrated Waste Management Consulting, LLC | Harald Aanes Oslo Composting Plant at Grønnmo, Oslo Compost - City of Oslo

Matt and Harald will give an introduction to the site visit after lunch


Are you interested in becoming an exhibitor? The Composting Day has shared exhibition area with Nordic Biogas Conference. Contact us for prices and terms for composters.


Bus leaves for the site visit (included in conference fee)


Foredragsholder: Harald Aanes, Oslo Composting Plant at Grønnmo, Oslo Compost - City of Oslo | Matthew Cotton Director, Integrated Waste Management Consulting, LLC

Operation of an Industrial Composting plant

  • Best practice operation of an industrial composting plant
  • Machinery for grinding and sorting
  • Monitoring time, temperature and moisture
  • Practice of creating blends

Properties various raw materials / bio-waste

  • Digestate from biogas plants
  • Garden- / green-waste
  • Manure
  • Food waste
  • Humus from drinking water production

Info about the Oslo Industrial Composting plant (only in Norwegian)


Sit down dinner together with NBC-participants at the hotel (included in the conference fee)

Heidi Sørensen

Director, Climate Agency, City of Oslo

Tor Smaaland

Managing Director, Små Landskap AS

Norwegian landscape gardener, author and journalist. Owner and manager of the landscaping company Små Landskap AS specializing in historical gardens and urban parks. Former head gardener to The Royal Norwegian Court (The Royal House of Norway) and responsible for re-development of all the royal parks. He has written several popular gardenbooks. Well known from a series of TV-programs. Blogg:

Matthew Cotton

Director, Integrated Waste Management Consulting, LLC

In over 25 years of work, Matthew Cotton has become a respected resource for all aspects of the composting industry, from providing permitting assistance to new and expanded composting, anaerobic digestion, and chipping & grinding facilities, to providing hands-on odor mitigation at composting facilities, to conducting important statewide studies of the California organics industry.

Erik Norgaard

CEO, Terramarine AS

Mr Norgaard graduated as a microbiologist from the University of Oslo in 1984. He has extensive experience in research and consulting within environmental technology, and works with utilization of waste from industrial and municipal companies, biological processes and technological solutions.

Henrik Lystad

CEO, Norwaste

Henrik Lystad har lang erfaring og inngående kjennskap om bransjen fra 16 år i Avfall Norge. Henrik har vært involvert i rammebetingelser og interessepolitisk arbeid innenfor avfallshåndtering og sirkulær økonomi i Norge og EU. Han har vært involvert i en rekke aktiviteter knyttet til blant annet innsamling av avfall, anskaffelser, utvikling av produsentansvaret, biogass og kompostering, energigjenvinning, materialgjenvinning og deponering, samt marin forsøpling og avfallshåndtering i utviklingsland.

Harald Aanes

Oslo Composting Plant at Grønnmo, Oslo Compost - City of Oslo

Harald is known as the "King of Composting". As an educated and experienced gardener, he knows what it takes to produce quality compost.