Method for Picking Analyses of Textiles - REdu Wasted Textiles Project 2023

The results from the Wasted Textiles pilot-study by four Master-students Camilla Sunde (UiO), Eva Hovda (NTNU), Siri Vestengen (NTNU) and Saeid Sheikhi (Høyskolen Kristiania) is published in this report.

The work was carried out during the summer 2023, as part of the Avfall Norges REdu-program where a total of 71 students were employed with REdu-partners across Norway, including 11 at Avfall Norges offices in Oslo. The discarded textiles analyzed in the picking analysis were primarily from a pilot separate collection of "damaged textiles" from municipalities in Trøndelag, mid-Norway (TRV). The four students tested out the TPR-method (Targeted Producer Responsibility) for picking analysis that captures vital information on textiles, e.g production year, fibre composition, multilayer and the reuse potential.

The project was financed by The Norwegian Retail Environmental Fund.

Av: Jens Måge | Publisert: 15. august 2023 | Fagområde: Tekstiler | Oppdragstaker: REdu

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Jens Måge

Sirk Norge
Ansvar: Bioavfall, tekstiler, biologisk behandling
Telefon:  92292262