To nye rapporter fra EEA

EEA publiserte nylig to nye rapporter, en om avfallsreduksjon og en om eksport av avfall i EU.

Av: Sirk Norge | Publisert: 15. januar 2022 | Fagområde: EU

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Hovedfunn om avfallsreduksjon i EU

  • The EU as a whole and many individual countries have achieved a relative decoupling of waste generation from economic growth. However, there are no signs that the overall objective of reducing waste generation in a growing economy is close to being achieved.
  • Data for trends in waste generation show no observable link between the adoption of waste prevention programmes by countries in 2013 and the amount of waste generated. In fact, waste generation, excluding major mineral wastes, increased by 5.2 % between 2014 and 2018 in the EU.
  • In mid-2021, 10 out of the 32 countries examined did not have a waste prevention programme in place, although all EU Member States had one in place earlier. This might be the result of countries deciding to align waste prevention policies with waste management plans or circular economy strategies, which can unlock synergetic effects.
  • The introduction of solid quantitative prevention targets at the EU level would help consolidate prevention efforts in European countries and promote a comprehensive prevention policy, including measures and indicators, driven by the objective of fulfilling the target.
  • Textile waste would benefit greatly from waste prevention measures, as this is a fast-growing, environmentally impactful waste stream associated with unsustainable consumption patterns. The average European generates approximately 11 kg of textile waste annually.
  • Preventing textile waste has great potential, mainly through reducing consumption, eco-design and ultimately reuse. To facilitate this, emphasis should be put on product design to promote durable and long-lasting materials, while support should be given to repair (e.g. tax breaks) and reuse (e.g. regulation).

Hovedfunn om avfallseksport i EU

  • More than 90% of waste generated in the EU is treated in the country in which it was generated, respecting the proximity principle underpinning EU waste law.
  • However, the non-hazardous, recyclable waste scoped in this briefing should be considered an exception. Making use of the EU’s single market for shipping non-hazardous recyclable waste offers opportunities to find the best available treatment options, allowing good-quality secondary raw materials to be produced and respecting the principles of a circular economy.
  • One benefit of waste shipments is that they allow the development of economies of scale for recycling. This, in turn, offers the opportunity for the advancement of recycling technologies, security of supply and lower prices for secondary raw materials. Ultimately, this would improve the functioning of secondary raw material markets within the EU’s single market.
  • Recyclable waste that is shipped to other EU countries accounts for a significant share of the quantities generated, representing a total value of EUR 12 billion, dominated by ferrous metals that make up 69% of the total. Data reveal a growing and dynamic market for internationally traded waste materials.

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